Examples include pervasive and embedded devices, deep computing, gaming, simulation, command and control systems, and large manufactured items, such as automobiles and aircraft. 例如,包括普遍深入的设备、深入计算、对策、模拟、命令及控制系统和大型人工产品(如汽车和飞机)。
Rated the "best mobile bowling game to date" by Wireless Gaming Review, this incredible simulation is at the top of its game. 评为“最佳移动保龄球游戏迄今为止无线游戏评论,这个令人难以置信的模拟”是在其巅峰。
Today Microsoft announced plans for a new a visual simulation platform, Microsoft ESP, which uses gaming technology to enable use of simulation for learning and decision-making. 近期微软公布了一个面向游戏机技术,用于模拟学习和智能决策的可视化平台计划&MicrosoftESP。
An Analysis on the Enlargement of Gaming Simulation 博弈模型的扩展分析
War gaming and simulation in information age can be not just considered in the firepower attrition, whereas be paid close attention to the model& simulate comprehensively among military, political, economic, social, diplomatic, consensus domain, etc. 信息化战争模拟不能仅仅考虑火力作战损耗,需要更加注重对军事、政治、经济、社会、舆论等各个领域的综合建模仿真。
Study on War Complex System and War Gaming& Simulation 战争复杂系统与战争模拟研究
An information age war gaming and simulation experiment platform based on the network centric C2 system was designed and implemented. 设计并实现了一个基于网络化C2系统的信息化战争仿真实验平台。
Indicated by the substitution of War Gaming and Simulation for Warfare Simulation, a scientific architecture of War Gaming and Simulation was presented in this paper to characterize the information age war in the future. 本文提出构建科学的战争模拟体系,用战争模拟来取代作战模拟,可以更好地反映未来信息化战争的特点。
Construct the Scientific Architecture of War Gaming and Simulation to Face the Challenge of New Revolution in Military Affairs 构建科学的战争模拟体系迎接新军事变革的挑战
The credibility of data is a key factor to measure an equipment war gaming system, and it directly affects the success or failure of the simulation. 数据的可信性是衡量装备作战仿真系统的关键因素,直接影响着仿真的成败。
Immersive Seminar Gaming is a new training method, which provides virtual decision-making scenarios and environment with war simulation& gaming system. 沉浸式战略决策训练是一种强调利用现代战争模拟技术营造虚拟决策情景与环境的新型训练方式。
The study on war in the information age requires a new methodology with respect to war gaming and simulation. 信息化战争研究需要新型的战争模拟手段。
War problem's research in the information age needs system theory and new methodology of war gaming& simulation. 信息化战争研究需要系统理论的指导,需要新型的战争模拟手段。
War Complexity and War Gaming& Simulation in the Information Age 战争复杂性与信息化战争模拟
The methods used for high-level war gaming are much different from the tradition, the experts from different specialty fields will play an important role in the process of strategic analysis and simulation. 高层次的作战模拟所采用的方法完全不同于传统的方法,不同领域专家参与新局面策研讨是模拟过程中十分重要的环节。
Development and maintenance of military model is an important prop of the War Gaming and Simulation. 军事模型的开发和维护一向是作战模拟和仿真的重要支撑点。
War Gaming and Simulation can be applied to the researches of the various problems of war. Such the problems of war should normally contain two sides 'one or more antagonistic process, which is always ended in the damage and loss of one side. 作战模拟可以研究各式各样的作战问题,这些作战问题一般应包含对立双方的一个或多个对抗过程,而这类对抗过程总是以一方对另一方的毁伤为结局。
A gaming model of two-person team is then built, in which the rules, algorithm and steps for simulation are designed. 按照上述方法,构建了一个二人团队的合作博弈模型,设计了模拟规则、算法和步骤。